Monday, July 24, 2017

Don't Fear The Roar

We're in a precarious time. There are mass changes occurring within each and every one of us as well as collectively. We are in a time of passion, a time of catalytic change and rearranging. Releasing and rebuilding. Stronger, more powerful, more authentic.

You are a lion. Fierce and graceful. You must know of your size and the power that you hold, the self actualization it takes to face up to your biggest challenges.

You are on fire. You have been slowly standing up to your fears, conquering them one at a time. The days have begun to bleed together, the shifts we are feeling within us are those of immense necessity and depth.

This fire that blazes within you is filled with passion, direction, enormity. It burns through the festered parts of you that hold you back. It sets your mind ablaze, your sense of self and of body simmers with the heat of a thousand suns.

You are being called forward. You are being asked to rise up to your potential, release the lion that sleeps within. Use the power that you posses, your lion, to create. Not destroy. Use the anger, the passion, the burning inside of you. Use it all to create life. Create words, pictures, love, ideas, armies of warriors that will take on the challenges that lie ahead. Use the power to give birth to something new. To change your life, the direction you're headed. Use the fire to burn down your fears and inhibitions and to scorch through the beliefs that keep you chained to your own existence.

You are bigger, better and more beautiful than you have ever seen yourself before. Rise up to the challenge, my friends. Unleash your lion and watch as you step into the power you've held within all this time. The world is your oyster and you have absolutely nothing holding you back but yourself.

So it all comes down to this.. Will you let your lion roar?

Thursday, July 20, 2017

Lost in the Lust for Life

I'm in love. Not with a person, not with an idea. I am in love with the inspiration that life brings me. I am in love with the colors of the water that decorate our earth like a mystical blanket. With the sounds of cars speeding by my window, ever so busily. I am in love with the way the humid air kisses my skin on a hot and blazing day. I am in love with the color of the plants that surround me, pressed against a stormy sky backdrop. I am in love with the sounds of laughter that echo from my own chords.

You are not my muse. No one will be my singular inspiration. Not even myself. The gentle ideas that flow off my tongue would have found their place on my lips whether you found yours or not. The sounds of life that flow from my lungs will continue to flow long after you are gone. My eyes will open, and close, without your finger pointing to where I shall look.

See, it is not a person that I love with such deep longing, it is not a person that I wish to know forever, for that ship has sailed. But rather, it's the warmth that runs through my body and out into the world that breathes fire into my eyes. I'm not your typical romantic. I don't need flowers, sunsets, or kisses on the neck. I don't need poems or chocolates or moonlit walks on the beach. I need to be set free, safe enough to wander however far I desire. I need to hike to the top of a canyon, swing from the tallest tree on the river bank, and watch the storm clouds roll in from the edge of the earth. I need to jump from the highest altitudes and dive the depths of  the ocean, searching for meaning in what I feel, knowing I will always discover more. I need to run loose in a field of sweet grass, dance through the streets in the rain, roam beneath the trees, beneath the singing birds perched upon the branches I long to rest on. I don't want love, I want more than love has to offer. I want life.

But what good is the adventure, the pure happiness, without someone to share it with? What good is the breath that leaves your mouth when the view in front of you takes your thoughts away, if there is no one to breathe it back into you? What good is the thrill, the adrenaline, the tickle in your soul if you can't turn to someone and look them in the eyes, knowing they feel it too. Knowing that they understand the lust and the surge of life that flows through your veins.

There are a million things I must do before I will sit in a rocking chair on a porch next to someone, call it a day and just be in love. There is so much to feel with those who crave to discover the very ground I dream of walking on. So much time to spend, alone and with as many different minds as possible. But even with all that I already know, there is a whole life before me that I can't even think on.

You may not be my inspiration, none of you may be my muse, ever. But there is one bad-ass bitch who will always rip the words right out of my spinning head, better than I ever could have explained them. Life, that's who.

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Change Your Mind

Change. A scary, deliberate, sometimes anxiety provoking word.

Change. An exciting, expansive, life opening word.

Change is not so simple. It's neither bad nor good, yet both entirely. It is the thing that we dread and for some, it scares the living hell out of us. However it's also the thing that people seek out, knowing it will lead them forward onto newer, greater things.

Change used to be something I was terrified of. I would cling to the past, clench my fists around the "things" I didn't want to lose, and dance with the beliefs I never wanted to give up. I thought I could stay away from change. If I held on tight enough, no one could rip anything from my arms until I was ready to let it go. But that was the problem. I saw change as someone ripping something from me, taking it away, leaving me behind in pieces. But that's not true.

Change is so much bigger than we think. It's not just the stripping away of the old, it's incredibly inspiring. It's electric and powerful. It opens us up to experiences we never thought relevant or even possible. But we don't always see it that way because of the loss that it often entails and the discomfort we expect.

Change can be intimidating, or it can awaken something exhilarating inside of you. Every time I have the courage to transform myself, I discover something brilliant about life. I learn about myself and I enjoy experiences that will forever shape who I am in the best possible way. Embracing change sounds cliche, but it's so necessary. If you seek after change with the determination to conquer your fears and trek onward, you will without a doubt unearth such great wisdom and experience, a beautiful chest of treasure, that will surely bring you much happiness.

When I'm feeling stuck in place or scared of a big change, I like to do something I call "24 changes". I pick 24 smaller aspects of my daily life to change. Taking down an art piece or adding one, getting a new phone case, changing my face wash, rearranging my desk, putting a new sticker on my car. Whatever you have been doing routinely for too long, no matter how small, SWITCH IT UP! Finally get that new lamp, change that burnt out light bulb, get rid of that old jewelry box you never use. This theory of changing as many small aspects of your life that you can will show you that:

1. Change is cool not scary
2. You could discover something amazing you've never tried before
3. You might just inspire a bigger change to occur in your life

No matter what changes you are facing, I promise you, it can be done. It doesn't have to be hard, it doesn't have to be incredibly uncomfortable. There is so much out there to experience, so why not try to live as many different ways as you possibly can? Change your mind about change and it will never fail to carry you onward to your next big adventure.

Saturday, July 8, 2017

There is Only One You

Is anyone else tired of living in a world where we are not only encouraged to blend in but discouraged to stick out? Does anyone care enough about what they have to offer humanity to stand out when it's made so uncomfortable and difficult? Think about it this way. Out of the billions of people on this planet, there is none other like you. Never has been, never will be. Even identical twins have two separate souls, right? So why the fuck would you want to approach the world just like Joe Shmoe over here when you have your own eyes to see, your own ears to listen with and your own mind to unleash?

It hurts my heart to watch someone with such beauty, such experience, and so much to show the world through their perspective, aspire to be just like everyone else. There is absolutely only one person in the entire universe, only one mind and heart that can love the way you love. There is only one that can shout your words to the world, saying what needs to be said and telling what needs to be told. There is only one that can sing the song that lies within your soul. There is only one that can impact the people that surround you in the way that you do. There is only one that can walk this earth and leave behind a trail of who you are and what you live for.

So many of us lead a life on autopilot. Your true self, tucked away from society, is often hidden from your very own eyes on your worst days. You hate who you are, or who you think you are. You push everything that matters below the surface and you operate with only a small portion of yourself facing the outside. You are viewing yourself from the outside in. It feels bad or even malicious to show your true self to the world. Like you will be received, scrutinized, and rejected. You have been conditioned to believe you are selfish, undeserving, unworthy. You have been told this about yourself by those who can barely break through your cement wall to even catch a glimpse at who you really are. But would you even recognize that person if they were finally freed? If you became totally open, to yourself and to others, would you even know who you were? If you viewed yourself from the inside out, you would finally meet your deepest self.

At this point in my life, I wish to climb the tallest rooftop I can find. I crave a view of this world that is of MY eyes and MY senses. I wish to lookout over this life I have created for myself and scream at the top of my lungs. That is how I meet myself. I want to watch the sun set in front of me and view the picture that is painted in my mind all at the same time. I wish to share my wisdom, my ideas, my words with anyone who stops to hear them. That is how I meet myself. At this point in my life, all I want to do is free myself until there is nothing holding me back from what I desire. And I desire to be me, to teach you who I am.

My passions and my ambitions are of me and as I set out on my quest to find freedom, I encourage you to do the same. Use those parts of you that you have tucked away for so long. Free the pieces of you that deserve to run wild, impacting life the way that you are here for. There is absolutely, positively nothing more brilliant than a mind with no boundaries, a personality with no mute button and eyes with no filters. Step away from the bunch, the bunch that has blended together until it is just one collective being. Leave behind the self that believes you are more valuable put in place with the others than floating free, free enough to shine the way that you wish to shine, the way that you NEED to shine.

I'm not really sure what has inspired this piece except for the fact that I may have just learned how beautiful it is to truly be yourself. I don't think I have ever seen a more uninhibited version of myself than I see right here, right now. And it's all because I decided there was just something about myself that the world deserves to see. I decided that I deserve to be seen. Not through your eyes but through mine. I am the only me you will ever meet and I want you all to know how good it feels to be free enough to give the world an opportunity to meet that person in you. You are compassionate, you are beautiful, you are gifted, you are here. You are life and life would not be what it is without you. Be free, my dudes. There is only one you, so let. It. Out.

Saturday, July 1, 2017

What Would You Do?

I have a decision to make. There isn't a real deadline, I don't have much to lose and there's nothing forcing me to make a choice in any way. Yet I sit here in my car waiting for the storm to pass, with my seat reclined and my eyes watching the rain pour down on the windshield like an Amazon waterfall.

I could go inside; my front door is less than 5 feet away. But here I am, making a decision. 

Do I play it safe? There isn't really a dangerous aspect to this situation, except the fragility of my heart. 

I know that there's a real chance at life waiting for me behind this door, and if I choose to walk away there will be lessons to learn. Either way I choose will lead me on to where I need to be but that one door may bring me to a paradise worth risking it all to find. 

I don't have anything to lose. This decision will not break me, it will not destroy me. But it could damage me in ways I am not yet aware of. Or it could transform me.

How easy it would be to just walk away. To turn around and let it all go. What it was, what it could have been, never to be known. How easy it would be to never find out. But I'm curious. What if I didn't walk away? What if I stayed, feet planted firmly on the ground and opened that door? It could be so amazing, it could be beautiful and miraculous. It could be full of adventures and love. 

Doesn't just the thought of it make it worth a try?

As the rainfall begins to relax, so does my body. I sink into my seat, realizing what it is I need to do. My heart beats heavy and the butterflies in my stomach flutter around endlessly. The land beyond that door could be filled with love or it could just lead to another door. My mind races to cover everything that could possibly happen.

I have a decision to make. There isn't a real deadline but my heart begs me to make a choice. My heart urges me to step forward without fear and say what I need to but my mind tells me to be cautious. For when I finally decide to open that door, I can never go back. But who says I'd want to?