Saturday, March 25, 2017

What's Your Label?

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Growing up in the 21st century has taught me a very important lesson. People these days (and for who knows how long) have seen youth and young adulthood as a time to decide who you want to be. A time to label yourself with one or two words, which are supposed to describe a dream but in actuality, they only describe a duty. This person that you identify with isn't labeled by a trait or characteristic, but rather by a profession. As if what you do in life for a career is the only thing that gives your life meaning through expression.
When you are young and in grade school, people often ask you, "what do you want to be when you grow up?" and your answer is always a job. For me, my go to answer was actually a dog because when someone asked me what I wanted to be, my imagination painted a picture of the kind of soul I wanted to be and the forms that I wanted to express myself through, not the type of career I want to have or the label that career would give me. No, I always imagined myself being a friendly soul who loves to love people when I grew up. Of course eventually my ego overpowered my spirit and once I was in middle school I started to identify with different careers. None of them were related and they often switched frequently, but the one thing that always brings me back to this topic is the fact that between grade school and now, I have severely lost myself. I lost my complete identity and I was led no where but in circles because all I searched for was the career that was supposed to make me, me. But I never found it because it isn't about picking a career or going in a certain direction professionally, it is about what makes me happy and what modality of living gives me the most joy and fulfillment. That alone brought me to realize that you will never discover your soul path and life meaning if you are constantly just searching for a label to slap on your life. You will never reach total fulfillment and joy because you have sold yourself short! You have gone out into the world looking for a category to fit yourself in under. You have sought after a label for the way you view yourself. The only labels you should give yourself should be how you express your soul.
I am not just a writer, I am a lover, a discoverer, a ponderer, an adventurer, an empath, a strong woman, and a dedicated feeler. I am a people person who makes a living off of my connection with people. You aren't just a teacher, you are an intuitive soul who uses your innate connection with children to show them their full potential. You aren't just a business man, you are a smooth talker who enjoys turning people on to fresh ideas and new ways of living. You aren't just a musician, you are a beautifully expressed soul who uses your gifts to affect peoples' emotions positively and inspire them to live life through feeling and energy. You aren't just an artist, you are a visionary who transfers your energetic frequency and internal images onto something physical, in which people can view it and feel your frequency. You aren't just a mechanic, you are an analytical thinker who uses your ability to work with and operate functional machines and equipment to provide transportation and safety to people. You aren't just a grocery store clerk, you are someone who's smile and simple "how are you today?" can make an exhausting chore into a task that involves life instead of just work.
So, as you can see, identifying with a word that simply labels the physical job you do in life limits you from opening your eyes and identifying yourself as a soul with a grand purpose, rather than just seeing a human here to earn a living and die. I promise each and every one of you that your "job" is so much more than what you do. Your life is so much more than who you call yourself! We are all extraordinary souls that were sent here to affect people, to change our own lives and the lives of others. We all have a purpose that cannot simply fit into one label or name. We all have an important job here, and that job can never be described by just one word or title.
After reading this, I urge you to ask yourself this question one last time and to write your answer down. Examine what gives your heart and soul joy and warmth, think on what makes you feel alive and important. Ask yourself on the deepest level you can reach, what do you want to be in life?

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