There is a place within us all. A place within our hollow vessels. This place holds many things, like a magic bag with no bottom. Here lies memories, a place they can rest. Here lies our emotions, a place they can dwell. Here lies our pain, a place it can fester. But here, in this place within our warm bodies, lies a true testament to time. For as long as we wish, it can be a hole filled with rot. As long as we decide to continue holding what is in this bottomless pit, time will move forward. A million years could pass and nothing in this place will change. Unless you want it to.
The moment we decide this place has a heart beat, it can transform from an inner grave into a vault of life and love. Here lies memories, a place they can play out in peace. Here lies past relationships, a place they can matter. Here lies our joy, a place it can grow. Fill your void with the sweetness of all you have experienced, all that exists. Not the death of life and all of the suffering it holds.
Yes, there is a place within us all. A place within this hollow vessel that carries all that we are. This place has no limit as to what it can hold. Like a magic bag with no bottom, lives of experience exist in it, along with the infinity to come. But out of all the death in the world, out of all of the hate and the division, let this be the place to hold the most beautiful parts of you and your life. Fill it to the brim, and forever onward with the shiniest, most tingling parts of your life. Let this be the place from which you create your brightest love, never running out, never spoiling.
All you have to do is say so. All you have to do is make it so. Do you wish to store your pain, sadness, loss, discomfort, etc. in this never ending space within your fragile self? Or do you wish to hold the golden moments? The love, the laughter, the adventure, the epiphanies, the strength, the feeling of overcoming a challenge so deep you are truly amazed at how far you've come? Let go of your wounds. Quit licking them. Kiss them goodbye, and let them kiss your ass because this life is too beautiful to ignore. This experience is too pure to dilute.
Let life punch you in the gut every once in a while, but hold onto the realization that you can move forward, not the feeling of the fist in your flesh. There is a massive planet filled with hurt that we cannot rewind, that we cannot rid ourselves of. But even in the hurt is a gift so priceless only those with a place within them, a place filled with the best of the worst, can see. Life is precious and so are you. Choose to see that. Choose to feel it. But most importantly, choose to be connected to the best of yourself rather than the worst of the world. I promise you this: Shine your light bright, even when you can't. Shine your light so bright and everyone will turn. Everyone will see themselves in this light and the more lights we can turn on, the more we can see. The beauty in the pain, the treasure in the challenge, the courage in the fear. But most importantly, the love in the hate.
Because you are all worth it.
We are ALL worth it.